As you rummage through your spice cabinet this holiday season, you will find stuff you’ve barely used and now need to throw away. Don’t ever let this happen again!
NUTMEG or Jaiphal :
* Brain Tonic
* Pain Reliever
* Effective sedative
* Indigestion Relief
* Bad Breath Treatment
* Liver and Kidney Detox
* Skin Care
* Sleep Aid
While you’re grating some over your porridge or eggnog or adding it to your fruitcake batter, don’t forget to give a little thanks for nutmeg, the powerhouse seed that contains anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
Whole nutmegs are very hard and must be finely grated to release their flavor.
GROUND MACE or Javitri :
* Improves Digestive Health
* Encourages Appetite
* Treats and Prevents Cancer
* Alleviates Anxiety and Depression
* Boosts Blood Circulation
* Pain Relief
* Stress Buster
* Helps with Cold And Cough
* Improves Brain Health
* Treats Insomnia
The taste of Mace is very subtle and should be used quickly to optimise flavor and aroma. Mace enhances the taste of jams, pastries, cakes and Indian sweets.
CELERY SEEDS or Ajmoda beej:
* Powerful Antioxidant
* Relieves Insomnia
* Assists in RBC formation
* Improves cognitive functioning.
* Maintains a healthy blood pressure.
* Fights Infections
* Improves Joint Flexibility
Celery seeds can be used in salad dressings and pickles to add an interesting texture and flavor.
TARRAGON or Naagdauna:
* Good source of Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, and Calcium
* Rich in Vit A, Vit C and Vit B-6
* Good Antioxidant
* Supports Cardiovascular Health as it Reduces the Risk of Blood Clots, Stroke and Heart Attack
* Helps lower Blood Sugar Levels
* Contains Health Promoting Essential Oils.
* Natural Diuretic which Reduces Water Retention.
Tarragon is versatile and can be used in potato salads, deviled eggs, tuna wraps, grilled salmon, roast chicken, sauces like lemon sauce, pesto etc
STAR ANISE or Chakri phool :
* Powerful Antioxidant and Antifungal Agent
* Immunity and Energy Booster
* ANTI-Influenza Agent
* Eases Rheumatic and Joint Pain
* Improves Digestion
* Improves Lactation
Star anise is one of five spices used in Chinese 5 spice powder. Make your own five spice powder by grinding star anise and mixing it with the other 4 spices – cloves, fennel seeds, cinnamon and Sichuan pepper.
MARJORAM or Kuthara :
* Protects against Common Illnesses
* Improves Cardiovascular Health
* Anti-Inflammatory
* Relieves Insomnia
* Reducing Stress and Anxiety
* Increases control of Sexual Desire
Grind 1to 2 tsp marjoram leaves into a powder and add 200 ml hot water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes. Add honey. Drink two to four cups of this tea over the span of two hours for digestive benefits. It also has a calming, antidepressive effect.
* Helps Regulate Blood Pressure
* Reduces Water Retention
* Reduces Constipation, Indigestion, IBS & Bloating
* Reduces Asthma Symptoms
* Helps Purify Blood
* Improves Eyesight
Fennel seed is a common ingredient in lactation teas. It’s a key ingredient in five-spice powder, and a regular addition in other spice blends to be used a dry rub for meat and fish. Fennel seeds add a subtle fragrant sweetness in sausage, marinara sauce, homemade bread and cookies.
Baking powder contains baking soda. It is a mixture of baking soda, cream of tartar and cornstarch.
* Eases Sore Throats, Colds and Flu
* Helps with Digestive Issues like Bloating, Gas, Stomach Pain, Hyperacidity
* Reduces Symptoms of Gout
* Promotes Kidney Health
* Treats Urinary Tract Infections
* Reduces Muscle Pain and Fatigue
This common raising agent used in cakes, biscuits, and bread can also be used to whiten your teeth and remove dental plaque.
So enjoy your holiday season ❤
Stay blessed with good health .…always !!!
Warm regards,
Charmaine D’Souza